May is Better Sleep Month: 6 Tips For Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

May is Better Sleep Month, and Southwoods wants to raise awareness about the benefits of better sleep. Getting adequate rest is beneficial to both your daily life and overall health. Here are 6 tips for getting a good night’s sleep.

1. Increase Natural Light During the Day

One way to help you sleep at night is make sure you are taking care of yourself during the day. Part of this means getting out and exposing yourself to enough natural light during the day. Your body is on its own sort of time clock and not getting enough natural light can alter your circadian rhythm.

2. Stay Active

Staying active and getting enough exercise is essential to your overall health, especially your sleep health. Exercising during the day will burn energy so that you’re tired at night and will help you fall asleep faster when your head hits the pillow. Exercising earlier in the day is usually best, as exercising late at night may have a negative effect on your sleep patterns because your body will still be in an alert and awake state.

3. Limit Blue Light Exposure in the Evening

Blue light exposure comes from things we use regularly like an LED television screen, your smartphone, tablet, and laptop or computer. All of this blue light can reduce the production of melatonin, which may make it harder to fall asleep if you are on these devices for long periods during the day or at night. If you are going to be using these devices at night, there are ways to reduce exposure such as glasses that block blue light and downloadable applications that reduce the blue light emissions from your screens.

4. Consume Caffeine in the Morning and Don’t Eat Late

Consuming caffeine in the morning can help you wake up and have more energy to start your day. Consuming caffeine later in the day can stop your body from relaxing and make it harder to fall asleep. Eating at appropriate times during the day can also help you sleep better at night. The latest you should consume a meal is about four hours before going to bed to ensure that it will not affect your sleep patterns.

5. Reduce the Frequency and Length of Your Naps

Naps are great when taken in moderation or when necessary. Sleeping too long or too often during the day can reduce the melatonin levels in your body at night, as well as interrupt your circadian rhythm. Napping for 30 minutes or less can improve your daily functions, but any more can interrupt your sleep schedule at night.

6. Stay on a Sleep Schedule

Having a consistent sleep schedule is one of the most important ways to make sure you are getting adequate rest. Your body is on an internal clock so going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day can help set an efficient loop for your body to function properly. This can make your daytime hours more energetic and productive.

There are many ways to help improve your sleep and ensure you are getting adequate rest. Increasing your quality of sleep can increase the quality of your day, maximize productivity, and improve overall health. If you have tried many different ways to improve your sleep and still are having trouble, you may have a sleep disorder. If left untreated, these disorders can lead to potentially serious health conditions. If you suspect you have a sleep-related disorder, you can call the Southwoods Sleep Centers at 330-729-9480 to schedule a consultation.