September is Pain Awareness Month: 5 Things You Should Know

September is Pain Awareness Month, the perfect time to raise awareness about the effects pain can have on a person and their loved ones. Understanding more about the underlying causes of pain can be key in finding the right treatment to alleviate suffering. At Southwoods Health, the comprehensive team at the Southwoods Pain & Spine Center is dedicated to finding effective results that reduce or eliminate pain altogether. As we begin Pain Awareness Month, here are five things you should know.

Over 50 Million Americans Suffer

If chronic pain does not directly affect you, chances are it affects someone you know. In the United States, 1 in 5 adults experience chronic pain. When someone suffers from pain, it does not just affect them…it affects their family, friends and anyone else around them. Pain commonly causes sufferers to be unable to work. It is the number 1 cause of disability globally.

There Are Many Types of Pain

Pain does not look the same for everyone. The four main categories pain tends to fall within are: back pain, headaches, neuropathic pain and joint pain.

  • 80% of adults in the U.S. will experience back pain at some point in their life. (source)
  • More than 4 million people have chronic daily migraines. (source)
  • Chronic neuropathic pain affects 3% to 17% of adults. (source)
  • About 15 million adults report severe joint pain due to arthritis. (source)

Pain can also be caused by underlying conditions such as cancer and Multiple Sclerosis. Ruling out an underlying condition is an important first step on the road to alleviating suffering.

Pain Can Affect Anyone

Although chronic pain tends to affect more women than men, anyone can suffer. From young children to older adults, there are different types of pain that can affect individuals at any age. However, the older you get the more likely you are to suffer from some type of chronic pain. Approximately 28% of 46-64 year olds and 65% of adults over 65 suffer. Taking steps like staying active and eating a nutritious diet can keep you healthy as you age and lower your chances of suffering from chronic pain.

There Is Hope

Researchers are focusing on learning more about the causes of chronic pain, what treatments work best and how it can be prevented. At the SouthwoodsPain & Spine Center, our patients have access to the latest medical therapeutics and interventional techniques targeted at the identified source of pain with the goal of achieving long term improvement. Patients who do not receive the desired level of pain relief from more conservative measures, can be offered alternative pain management treatment options without having to leave the practice or the building. This means patients will receive care that is timely, comprehensive and effective in delivering results that reduce or eliminate pain altogether.

During Pain Awareness Month, and all year long, it is important to remember that anyone can suffer from pain. Spreading awareness is a great first step in promoting pain education, and at the Southwoods Pain & Spine Center we recognize the far-reaching effects of chronic pain. We place great importance on providing access to the region’s most capable team of physicians and advanced practice providers, so you can find comfort in knowing you do not have to suffer through pain alone.