Summer is Heating Up: How Can You Protect Your Skin?

Summer is almost here and while we’ll all be out enjoying the sunshine soon, it is important to remember to protect your skin while you’re having fun. The sun has several positive benefits for overall health, but there are also many dangers when it comes to our skin. Follow these tips to stay sun-safe, and find out how you can protect your skin while having fun all summer long.

Use Sunscreen

The best way to protect exposed skin from harmful UV rays is to wear sunscreen. The higher the SPF number, the greater the protection. We recommend using at least SPF 30 to protect from sunburn and long term effects from sun exposure, but if you are prone to sunburn a higher SPF can be beneficial. It is also important to reapply at least every two hours, and immediately after swimming or excessive sweating. Also remember to apply sunscreen to every part of your skin that is exposed. It’s easy to forget to coat your lips, eyelids and ears, but these areas that can easily burn.

Wear a Hat

If you don’t have a shaded area to duck into during peak sun hours, which are between 10:00am and 2:00pm, you can always create it yourself! Using an umbrella or wearing a larger brimmed hat can provide adequate shade for you to enjoy the sun while not being harmed by it. Hats can protect the delicate skin on your face as well as shade your ears from the sun.

Stay Hydrated

Did you know staying hydrated can actually help protect you from the sun? The intense heat of the sun, especially in the summertime, can very easily dry out your skin. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start sipping water, as this can be an early sign your body is already dehydrated. Staying hydrated will keep your skin from getting too dry, which can increase damage to your skin.

Beware of Medication that Increases Sun Sensitivity

Certain daily medications can increase your sensitivity to the sun and make you more likely to get sunburnt. Common medications like benadryl, acne medications, and even ibuprofen can have an impact on your skin’s sensitivity. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out if any of your medications may increase your sensitivity to the sun.

Perform Skin Checks

Checking your body regularly is always a good idea, even if you aren’t concerned about damage that the sun can do to your skin. Performing body checks will make you aware of a mole or spot that may not have been there before. If you do find something strange on your skin, make sure to contact your doctor or dermatologist for a check up.

While the sunshine during summer months is enjoyable, it can be harmful if you don’t take the correct precautions. Here at Southwoods, your health and safety are our highest priority, no matter the situation. We hope your summer is full of fun, but make sure to stay safe while enjoying the outdoors!

Southwoods Health