Summer Safety Tips

Summer is in full swing, and while you’re out enjoying the weather and the company of family and friends, it is important to remember to stay safe and avoid any potential mishaps. Whether you’re planning a vacation to the beach or are planning to spend your summer days in your backyard, here is a list of safety tips to keep you and your family safe this summer.

Swim with Caution

On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than a refreshing swim. While many fun memories can be made during a day at the pool or at the beach, it can also be dangerous if you’re not careful. Don’t overestimate the swimming abilities of children or adults, and always avoid swimming alone. Be sure children know how to swim, or are equipped with a proper lifejacket or flotation device. If swimming in the ocean, pay attention to currents and stay close to the shore.

Travel Safely

If you’re traveling abroad, be sure to check the travel guidelines of the country you are visiting and get any required vaccinations at least 4-6 weeks before you travel. If driving to a destination, map out the drive beforehand and make sure your car is equipped with any safety supplies you may need.

Wear Sunscreen 

Sunburn is one of the most common summertime injuries and can happen to anyone. No matter your skin type, it is important to protect your skin by wearing sunscreen, finding shade or wearing protective clothing. If you are going to be outside, plan ahead and pack your sunscreen, even if it is a cloudy day. It is also important to reapply at least every two hours, and immediately after swimming or excessive sweating. Also, remember to apply sunscreen to every part of your skin that is exposed. It’s easy to forget to coat your lips, eyelids, ears and feet, but these areas can easily burn.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for your health all year long, but during the warm summer months it is more important than ever. The hot temperatures cause you to sweat more, which in turn depletes your body of hydration. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to start sipping water, as this can be an early sign your body is already dehydrated. Staying hydrated will also help protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Safely Use Fireworks

Fireworks are a staple during the summer months and for many people, they are as much a part of summer as hot dogs and popsicles by the pool. While they can bring a lot of enjoyment and family fun, they can also be very dangerous if not handled properly. If you are planning to celebrate with fireworks, make sure to buy proper fireworks, light them safely, keep them away from children and be sure to dispose of them correctly. To learn more about firework safety, read our Firework Safety blog.

Use Bug Spray

Besides just being itchy and annoying, bug bites have the potential to be dangerous. Mosquitos and ticks can spread diseases such as Malaria, Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease. Use insect repellent, remove standing water in your yard, wear clothing that covers your arms and legs and use mosquito netting to avoid bug bites.

Play Safely

Before you head outside to play, be sure to take necessary precautions beforehand. If you or your children are spending your free time biking, skateboarding or roller skating, be sure to wear a helmet and any other necessary padding. If you’re going to use a trampoline, make sure to use it one at a time and jump safely. While playing catch or other games, keep a safe distance from others and keep your eye on the ball.

While you enjoy your summer this year, be sure to keep these tips in mind to keep your family safe. If an accident does occur, visit Southwoods Express Care for your non-emergent medical needs. With three convenient locations in Boardman, Campbell and Columbiana, Express Care is open 7 days a week to provide you with care when you need it.